Eligibility by region

Contributions, donations and grants are generally only considered in the communities where International Paper has a significant employee presence and within a locally determined radius of facility operations.

If your organization does not have an International Paper location in the community, you are not eligible for grant funding. In addition, please view the International Paper signature causes to learn more about our community engagement programs.

Charitable organizations located outside of the United States should make all charitable requests to your local International Paper facility in Canada, Latin America, Europe, Middle East, North Africa or Asia. A regional contact will provide guidance through the local eligibility and approval process.

United States

We support nonprofit charitable organizations classified under Section 501(c)(3) or Section 509(a) (1), (2) or (3) of the United States Internal Revenue Service Code.

Outside of the global headquarters, all U.S. requests must be submitted to the nearest International Paper facility via the online grant application available below.

Applications are accepted through mid-September. Download our Grant Giving Guidelines below before applying to confirm eligibility, required documentation and other instructions.

For technical assistance with logging in or completing the online application, use the Need Support? link found at the bottom of every page. If you are having difficulty uploading a Form 990 because the file size is too large, try reducing the PDF size (many free PDF editors and compressors are available online). If the file is still too large, use the Need Support? link.

Memphis, TN - global headquarters only

In Memphis, TN funding requests are by invitation only. Download the documents below for complete information.