Litho lam & litho label printing
Litho Print Solutions

Sharp graphics & impactful color

  • High quality, photographic images
  • Print on coated & uncoated substrates
  • Supports demand colors (including Metallic, DayGlo and specific custom or pms colors)
  • Wide variety of coatings available

What is litho lam & litho label? 

Litho print

How it's made

  • Sheeted substrate is printed up to six colors using soy-based inks.
  • 150-230 line screen using offset lithography
  • Box plant then converts the litho laminated corrugated sheet into final package
Litho lam single face

Single face litho lam

  • Litho sheet laminated as top sheet to corrugated single face using Asitrade
  • Cost effective option for high-volume items – reduced waste & faster throughput
Litho label double face

Double face litho label

  • Litho label is laminated to outside liner of combined board
  • Low initial cost of entry suitable supports limited quantity orders and single run items

Let's connect!

Brad Holbrook
Digital Sales